Neijiang, La délégation du Sichuan accueillie par Zhuoyuan pour la promotion conjointe des échanges et de la coopération

Une délégation composée de représentants du Bureau de coopération économique du Sichuan Neijiang, Le Bureau de coopération économique de la zone de haute technologie de Neijiang et le Centre de promotion des investissements de Neijiang à Shenzhen ont visité Zhuoyuan le 22 mai, 2022. The main purpose of this visit was to discuss the possibilities of implementing réalité virtuelle (VR) high-tech solutions to facilitate greater exchanges and cooperation between the two entities.

The delegation was warmly welcomed by Zhuoyuan Vice President He Jin, and the first stop was a visit to Zhuoyuan’s modern production base. During the visit, the leaders praised Zhuoyuan’s excellent technology and strict material selection processes.

The Neijiang delegation then experienced Zhuoyuan’sAdventure of the Little Turtlein the company’s 5D Theater. The delegation leader and his team also visited the R&D center, Zhuoyuan headquarters, and the exhibition center where they tried a variety of popular Équipement VR. After the experience, Zhong Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Neijiang Economic Cooperation Bureau, said, “This VR technology is incredibly advanced; the sense of immersion it provides is truly remarkable and realistic. It’s no wonder that it’s being hailed as one of the most cutting-edge and groundbreaking technologies currently available.

President He then presented a comprehensive overview of Zhuoyuan’s VR technology and its various applications in different fields. He also discussed the newVR+model actively deployed by Zhuoyuan.

The delegation leaders expressed their approval of Zhuoyuan’s results achieved through its various applications. Neijiang is also actively working on the development of cultural tourism and education upgrades. Through in-depth discussions and exchanges, the visit has laid the foundation for common development between the two companies in the future.

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