Réussite du 6e cours de formation sur les opérations commerciales FuninVR VR

Il ya trois mois, un groupe d'individus réunis à Guangzhou pour un événement de formation interne de trois jours, bringing together leaders from the VR industry and chain VR experience store owners from across the country. Ils ont discuté des problèmes urgents auxquels est confrontée l'industrie de la réalité virtuelle, y compris comment sélectionner le bon site, negotiate terms, conduct project planning, identify target populations, match equipment, plan events, motivate employees, etc.. They explored topics such as “How a Single Piece of Equipment Can Attract 9,000 RMB/Day” and “How a County Town Can Earn 100,000 RMB/Month”. We wish all of our clients a prosperous future as they venture into the VR business. Our aim is to help our clients make money through their VR endeavors.

Behind this success lies a four-step plan. The first step is to thoroughly analyze the VR market, examining how it operates and how to excel within that realm. The second step involves efficient operation management that establishes a membership system and implements systematic sales services to attract both old and new customers. The third step offers detailed operation plans for Machine de réalité virtuelle experience stores, guiding trainees through the process step-by-step. Enfin, the fourth step involves an in-depth analysis of every aspect that should be considered when selecting a site.

In the 6th Operation training course, trainees gained a wealth of knowledge regarding VR business operations. We extend our best wishes to all trainees in their future ventures, secure in the belief that they now possess the essential elements for achieving success.

If you are interested in discovering more about the world of VR simulators, Merci de laisser un message, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible!