Explorando as prósperas máquinas de jogos VR no Vietnã

FuninVR has a longtime client from Vietnam who plans to combine seaside scenery with endless fun, creating a paradise for children by opening a large amusement park at a seaside resort. The amusement park covers an area of 700 metros quadrados, with the VR area occupying about 140 metros quadrados, becoming a major highlight of the entire park.

The Vietnamese client is full of praise for FuninVR’s equipment, deeply appreciating its quality and experience. In order to provide visitors with the latest and most thrilling virtual reality experiences, he has ordered a large number of various Máquinas de fliperama VR, including VR Magic UFO, Navio de guerra VR, Torre suspensa VR, Moto de corrida VR, Guerreiro atirador, 360°Simulador VR, 3 Screen Racing Car, and VR Interstellar. The addition of these devices injects new vitality and charm into the amusement park, attracting countless visitors to experience them.

In this enchanting seaside scenery, visitors can freely roam the children’s play fort, challenge various arcade games, and experience the immersive wonders brought by Simuladores de RV. From driving race cars to navigating space, from underwater adventures to battling virtual enemies, every activity is full of excitement and fun, keeping people coming back for more.

The opening of the amusement park not only brings a new tourist attraction to the local area but also injects new vitality into the local economy. In this vibrant and passionate large-scale amusement park, people can unleash themselves, experiencing unprecedented fun and excitement. It is not only an entertainment venue but also a place for people to rediscover the beauty of life, forget their worries, and enjoy the present moment. It can be seen that adding Passeios de realidade virtual to the amusement park is a promising project.

Por último, mas não menos importante, if you are also interested in the VR business, please feel free to contact FuninVR at any time for more information.