Делегация из Кореи посещает Чжоюань в Гуанчжоу

25 июля, корейская делегация, состоящая из представителей Национального агентства по продвижению ИТ-индустрии (К), Научно-исследовательский институт электроники и телекоммуникаций (ЭФИР) и Корейская ассоциация виртуальной реальности (КРЫШКА) visited Zhuoyuan’s headquarters in Guangzhou, China for a friendly VR/AR technology exchange between the two countries. The visit aimed to facilitate effective technology communication and further strengthen the development momentum of VR technologies.

Zhuoyuan, a top VR product manufacturer in China and an active member of Guangzhou’s VR/AR Innovation League, gave the visiting Korean delegation a warm welcome and hosted a welcome ceremony. During the ceremony, the company’s senior leaders, including President Yang Xuyun, Vice President Hjiin, and Chief Strategy Inspector Wan ruguo, briefed the delegation on Zhuoyuan’s achievements in VR technology.

The Korean delegation was then accompanied by Zhuoyuan’s senior leaders on a visit to the company’s manufacturing base, where they closely observed Zhuoyuan’s modernized production processes. Later in their visit, the delegation experienced Zhuoyuan’s popular VR products at the company’s VR theme experience hall.

Guangzhou Zhuoyuan and the Korean delegation then held an in-depth VR/AR technology exchange seminar. In the meeting, vice president Hejin provided a detailed introduction of the company’s One-stop VR entertainment profit solution model to the visiting guests. Members of the Korean delegation showed keen interest in the profit model and claimed that they would consider referencing and transplanting it to Korea. The delegation members also contributed several constructive suggestions to the existing model and expressed their wish to conduct close cooperation with Zhuoyuan.

At the end of the visit, the delegation highly praised Zhuoyuan’s excellence in VR product manufacturing and expressed their eagerness to conduct further technology cooperation. They hope to work with Zhuoyuan to jointly explore and exploit the global VR market.

If you are interested in knowing more about the pricing of our 9D VR simulator, please leave a message and we will get in touch with you at the earliest convenience.